hacks continue, less than 24 Hours since the news that Slush's
had been compromised Bitcoin
Central's man page has been changed
to one that reads "We have been compromised, please do not send any
funds to your wallet."
This is not the first time Bitcoin Central has been attacked, earlier this month hackers also managed to gain access to their computers and compromise user accounts but according to Bitcoin Central at the time they managed to secure all of the funds. This time the wringing on the site reads "A few hundred BTC have been stolen, but the amount is small enough for us to cover it fully.".
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You may remember Bitcoin-Central from the news a few months back as the first bitcoin exchange to start down the road to banking legitimacy when they announced that they had partnered with Aqoba and Credit Mutuel to begin operations as Payments Service Provider (PSP).
Add these hacks to the near continuous DDOS attacks happening at MtGOX and Butterfly Labs it seems that bitcoin has gained enemies on the Internet.
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