though they may be last to ship in the ASIC race, Butterfly
Labs is certainly geared up to start
As you may be aware cgminer developer Kanoi is currently on an expenses paid trip to the offices of Butterfly Labs, Kansas City in the United States. While there he is meant to be working on cgminer support for the new BitForce SC ASIC miners that are due to ship any day now once the chips get back from the bumping facility (it is when they literally put a bump of solder on the chip packaging in order to attach it to a Printed Circuit Board).
In a post on BitcoinTalk cgminer lead developer ckolivas made a post showing off some of Kanoi's photos of the inside of Butterfly Labs production facility, you can see the photo's here;-
I asked ckolivas and apparently Kanoi does not mind them being reposted so here are a few that I am sure everyone has been waiting for.
First the Pick And Place Machine
Next the Flow Machiene
The Obligatory Boxes of Fans
And finally what looks like Final Assembly
With both Avalon and ASICMiner currently starting to deploy or ship their ASIC bitcoin miners Butterfly Labs have catching up to do, but the certainly seem to be prepared.
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