BFL_Josh and
the team over at Butterfly Labs seem to
be hard at work, and while they have not made a update post yet they
have posted photos of ASIC chips on their PCB Boards.
First is a picture of the unpopulated board with no components or ASIC chips.
Next, we see a picture of the compleated board with 1 ASIC chip that will be a 4.5 GH/s Bitcoin Miner (BitForce Jalapeno).
Now a complete board with 4 ASIC chips that will soon be a 30 GH/s Bitcoin Miner (BitForce Little Single SC)
And finally we see a fully populated board with 8 ASIC chips that will be used both in the 60 GH/s Bitcoin Miner (BitForce Single SC) and the 1,500 GH/s Bitcoin Miner (BitForce Mini Rig SC).
The release of these photos may herald the imminent news that Butterfly Labs will finally start to ship their ASIC bitcoin miners. The new cannot come fast enough for the people that have had pre-orders with butterfly labs for close to nine months now.
The next hurdle for Butterfly Labs after shipping will be how fast they can ramp up production and fulfil nine months of back orders.
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