some time ASICMiner
has been promising to sell their ASIC bitcoin mining technology. Some
possible products included the 300 MH/s
mining dongle announced earlier this week.
Finally today, ASICMiner representative Friedcat has opened an auction thread on the bitcoin community site BitcoinTalk for people to enter bids for 10 "Block Erupter blades". Apparently the "Block Erupter blades" are the same devices that are being used by ASICMiner to power their own hashing farm currently rated at 7 TH/s.
Each of the "Block Erupter blades" is capable of mining at 10 GH/s and can be over-clocked to 12.829 GH/s using proper cooling meaning that ASICMiners own farm consists of somewhere between 550 to 700 of these devices. The devices also each run independently of a computer using a 12 volt 10 amp power supply (8.3 Watts per Giga Hash draw).
If you want to put in a bid you will need to be quick though as auction lasts for roughly 72 hours and ends at April 19, 09:00:00 PM forum time and the post has been replied to over 100 times already (most containing bids) and has been read over 2200 times.
At the time that this article is posted the current highest bit is for 5 of the boards at 33.5 BTC each or 177 BTC for 50 GH/s making these devices the highest bitcoin per GH/s available. The probable reason for the high price though is that these devices will be shipped immediately upon payment instead months away for Avalon ASIC devices and the yet to be released Butterfly Labs devices.
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