MinePeon 0.2.3 release

Update time again!

There are so many changes underneath the hood that the change log is huge (see below for the full details).  You don't need to re image, but if you don't your going to be missing out on quite a few improvements, some of which cannot be distributed …

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MinePeon 0.2.2 release

Download it HERE.

I was not planning a release today but a user has come across a serious bug.  It seems when switching pools on BitcoinTalk user klotzenhotz's miner hang instead of completing the operation and ended up mining for the wrong account (the donation one, I am so embarrassed …

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Butterfly Labs Bitcoin ASIC mining device arrives in New Zealand


It happened, ever since last month when Josh from Butterfly Labs let slip that a developer unit of their new 5 GH/s ASIC bitcoin miner might be on its way to me I have had trouble sleeping.  I have spent the days watching the courier van come and go, my friends, family and co-workers have even noted to me how down I look.

I had begun to think that Josh and Butterfly labs were running some cruel geek version of the classic Pavlov's dog experiment on me.

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