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Yesterday my story on halving day was picked up by one of my favorite sites of all time

Fortunately my web & data server did not fall prey to the Slashdot Effect (server work is my job, if it did I would not be able to show my face around the office for weeks).

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Halving day is almost upon us!

Bitcoin Logo

Built into the design of bitcoin is a mechanism that rewards miners (like us) for solving blocks.  Every block solved rewards the miner or pool 50BTC plus any transaction fees included in that block, it serves two functions;-

  1. It encourages people to mine
  2. It introduces new currency in a controlled …
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ECB Report on Virtual Currencies

European Central Bank Logo

Quick note for today, the European Central Bank have put out a report on Virtual Currencies.  Bitcoin is mentioned 185 times in total.

You can download the report from them here or here for a local copy.

In short, they are watching.

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Why MineForeman?

MineForemam LogoToday I hit the publish button and go forward with MineForeman.

I have been mining for bitcoin's for some time now and have been helping out friends and acquaintances to do the same.

With the new ASIC devices about to hit the market quite a few of us have put …

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