Review: Spondoolies-Tech SP10 Dawson (Part One)

SpondooliesLogo-transparent-smallAbout a month ago I received a pleasant email from a gentleman named Stas, he complimented me on MinePeon and asked me if I would have any issue if he included all or parts MinePeon on a new range of miners that he was intending to bring to market.  I …

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KnCMiner on my doorstep

kncminerlogo300x100Some time ago (the 11th of August to be exact) I decided to take a bit of a gamble and order one of KnCMiners lesser offering the Mercury 100 GH/s bitcoin miner.

Mercury's are no longer available but all up with shipping I spent \$2,148.00 USD (I …

more ... say's "50BTC is alive".

50BTClogoIt has been a hard week and a bit for the 50BTC mining pool.  After it was first noticed that incorrect balances were showing for users on the 20th of this month and revelations that "Our billing server have been hacked, some parameters currently shown incorrectly. At this moment we …

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50BTC hacked, don't believe your account ballance

50BTClogoIf you log in to you account you're in for a pleasant surprise, unfortunately it is one that wont last.

It seems that someone has gained access to 50BTC's servers and managed to increase all of our balances, the website recently put up a message saying;-

Our billing …

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